Air Purity Control

Clean air in Gendorf

The companies at the GENDORF Chemical Park have been cutting air pollution and avoiding CO2 by using highly-efficient exhaust air filters and with on-going production improvements. In total, approximately 240 exhaust air scrubbing plants minimize air emissions at the GENDORF Chemical Park. The bulk of the pollution consists of carbon dioxide (CO2). This output reduced by almost half in recent years.
On behalf of the companies at the GENDORF Chemical Park, InfraServ Gendorf operates an incineration plant for liquid production waste and sewage sludge. The resulting smoke gases are scrubbed by a plant. From 2008 to 2011, a wide range of individual measures were implemented to reduce these emissions. Investments for improving the volume load of the plant proved to be particularly advantageous. Based on improvements made on electrical, measurement, and control systems, peak loads are now avoided that previously made optimized incineration and filtration difficult to achieve. Moreover, exchanging the old mesh filter with a technologically completely redesigned plant has yet again improved the emission of hazardous substances.
Since the startup of the Clariant plant to produce ethylene oxide, the process-related byproduct, carbon-dioxide (CO2), has been emitted directly into the environment. In 2007, Clariant and a partner specialized in industrial and food processing gases got together to use this CO2 instead of emitting it. The pre-scrubbed, gaseous CO2 is transferred to the partner company via pipeline, where it is liquefied and sold to customers with CO2 requirements. Among others, liquid CO2 is used as carbon dioxide by the beverage industry. Between 2009 and 2010, both companies invested more than EUR 15 million into these new plants. As a result, the direct CO2 emissions from the Gendorf Clariant plants were reduced by 90 percent.

Air Purity Control